
A4 Prints Now Available in the Store

On the back of recent feedback, I have now made a small selection of my artwork available as A4 prints in the store. You can check out the selection here .

Inkblot Festival

This weekend it is the second Inkblot Comic Festival. This time in Nottingham at The Vat & Fiddle, just across from the train station, so easy to find. I'll be there on Table 13 in the "Galactic Gathering Hall." Inkblot Official Website

FLUX: Chapter Eight - On Sale Now!

 I'm excited to say that FLUX: Chapter Eight is now on sale. Head to the store or click here to get your copy!

The Joys of Vinyl.

While I work on my comics and other illustration work, I like to have something playing. Usually movies or bingeable TV of some kind. Always something I've seen a million times before that doesn't require my full focus and can just be there. However, if I really need to focus and get my head down, I tend to go with music rather than visual media. Now as I start to write this I realise I'm working towards an irony and a potential contradiction in the point of what I'm saying. As I'm implying that while I work I want to go with something that can just be background noise, something I can ignore. Whilst I guess that is true, it's also what has prompted me to write about this. Usually, I'll simply fire up Spotify and start my one playlist of 100s of my favourite tracks on shuffle, and just let it go. These past few days however, I remembered my hi-fi equipment, sitting in its corner looking at me wondering why I have forsaken it. Okay, I joke, I actually use my

Trek is just better, right?

I've professed on many an occasion how much I love Science Fiction, and that that love began and is rooted in Star Wars. From those roots came a love of all manner of Sci Fi, including Star Trek, albeit some years later. The Next Generation was my era of Star Trek, and even then I only fell in love with it when its final season had already aired. Deep Space Nine became my firm favourite of the series, and Voyager was also enjoyable, if not quite as well executed as the others. I also grew an affinity for the Original Series, mainly via the movies, although I had binged watched the series on more than one occasion. So, from all that came an inner debate that I have toyed with for many years. As an obsessive fan of both Star Wars and Star Trek, did I believe one was better than the other? I would often go through swings of favouring one over the other, but I likened it to a parent of two having to pick which is their favourite child. I've been a Star Wars fan longer, but duratio

FLUX: Chapter Seven - On Sale Friday 1st of September.
